Our range of organic functional mushrooms supports immunity and good health, reduces stress levels, improves celular health and support mood and cognitive functions 

Mushrooms name

Organic Agaricus Blazei
Organic Cordyceps Mylitaris
Organic Chaga
Organic Shiitake
Organic Maïtake
Organic Reishi
Organic Lion's Mane


> 20% Beta-Glucans 

> 20% Beta-Glucans 

> 20% Beta-Glucans 

> 20% Beta-Glucans 

Whole mushroom powder

Whole mushroom powder

Whole mushroom powder


Healing and anti-aging properties, Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Antiviral properties, athletic performance, antioxidant, hair growth and male libido

Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Reduces hair loss, Boosts the immune system, Hair loss, Boosts the immune system

Cardiovascular support, Antioxidant, Immune system support, Anti-aging

Cardiovascular health, Immune support, Cellular health

Immune system boost, Sleep support, Stress management, Hormonal balance, Stress management, Hormonal balance

Anxiety support, Memory & Cognition aid, Nervous system support, Mood & Focus support

The science behinf B-Glucans

Beta-glucans activate the macrophages and release various immunoglobullins, interleukins and cytokines to defend the host against various pathogenic conditions

Possible involvement of gut microbiota in beta-glucans immunomodulatory action

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Various Galenic Developments

Sport nutrition
Food supplements
Coffee / Teas
Protein mixes